Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis Story - 1487 Words

Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis tells the story of her life as a young girl in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Satrapi’s story is told through an autobiographical graphic novel which is revolutionary because such stories are often told through more common mediums such as Television interviews and text based novels; this difference helps to set Persepolis apart from other works about revolutionary Iran. The Persian people have been largely dehumanized by mass media in a post September 11th society because of the actions of a small group of radical extremists. The true function of Persepolis as a text is not exposing the true happenings during the Islamic Revolution but is rather the way Satrapi humanizes the Persian people by showing their compassion, morals and even rebellion through the novel’s minimalist style, visualization techniques (simple images symbolizing complex or abstract ideas), inclusion of common norms in a traditional Islamic state and the develo pment of the protagonist’s (Marjane) coming of age story. The rebellious and humanizing spirit of Persepolis is masterfully presented in section 15: â€Å"The Cigarette† and this section will be the subject of analysis for this essay. Satrapi’s main objective in writing Persepolis is to break down the alienation of the innocent Persian civilians by creating separation between the civilian Persian population and the radical extremists. Satrapi does this by showing the morals and compassionate side of the Persian civiliansShow MoreRelatedMarjane Satrapi s Story Of The Complete Persepolis Essay1022 Words   |  5 Pagesthe child must find their way in an unfriendly world. This is not a fictitious story. This is an actual event that happened to the author of The Complete Persepolis. Marjane Satrapi, the author of The Complete Persepolis, grew up during the 1979 Revolution. This event changed many people’s lives, either it was for the better or worse is hard to say. Nevertheless, it influenced Satrapi s whole life. In the book, Satrapi expresses her childhood memories through her eyes as a child. Her experiencesRead MorePersepolis Reflection Paper1578 Words   |  7 Pagesregarding Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the class discussed many topics. As a group, we began by talking about the genre of the graphic novel. The artistic style and technique used by Satrapi was addressed specifically. 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The story, which is written as a memoir, includes Marjane herself in the images, which makes the text seem to be told from more of a limited third person point of view, while the narration of the story is told in the first person. By including herself in the images, Satrapi is better able to explain to the reader exactly what she went through, and emphasize exactly what she felt. Writing her story exclusivelyRead MoreCultural Acceptance in Marjane Satrapis Persepolis1616 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿Whitfield Logan English 102 Ighade 4-7-14 Cultural Acceptance in Persepolis Marjane Satrapi‘s graphic novel Persepolis  is an  autobiography that  depicts her childhood up to her early adult years in  Iran  during and after the  Islamic revolution.  Throughout the novel Satrapi incorporates character development, religion, and the conflict of freedom vs. confinement in order to develop a greater appreciation between two opposing eastern and western cultures. 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It has both literal an d symbolic meanings hidden among the drawings, as it also shows the hardships she faced in other countries and even, at times, in her home country of Iran. It helps to show the past and somewhat present

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